东方之星公益俱乐部一周年庆典暨2015年美国总统志愿服务奖颁奖典礼于3月12日下午在育才课后中文学校隆重举行。东方之星俱乐部一共有13 位孩子达到或超过美国总统奖的标准。
在过去的12个月里,在孩子们的积极努力下,东方之星俱乐部一共有13 位孩子达到或超过美国总统奖的标准。其中Amy Wang,Ellie Feng, Faith Zhang, Jasmine Zhang, Jessica Li, Junna Chen 和Michelle Lai 七名小朋友获得11-15 岁组别的铜奖,Anna Feng, Grace Li, Iliana Rong, Katherine Zhao, Michelle Shi 和Stefanie Huang 六位小朋友获得 5-10 岁组别的铜奖或银奖。总统奖既是对孩子们过往的努力和付出的一种认可,更是对她们在未来岁月里能够坚持帮助他人,服务社会的殷切期盼。
东方之星俱乐部刚刚开始第二年的历程,在今后的岁月里,俱乐部会始终坚持培养青少年对他人的友爱之心和对社会,国家的赤子之心,积极为俱乐部成员提供多样化的志愿服务机会,引领和鼓励青少年自觉自愿地为公益事业奉献自己的力量与爱心。 “千里之行,始于足下“,东方之星俱乐部全体成员愿与广大朋友们一起努力,让志愿服务成为一种风气,一种需要,携手共建美好的明天!
President’s Speech
Welcome to STARS Youth Charity Club’s first President’s volunteer Service Award ceremony!
In the past year we have held dozens of events throughout San Diego, spreading our interest in dance and our love for Chinese culture by performing at various locations, including senior nursing homes, SeaWorld, and Qualcomm Stadium. Through our events, we have raised money to financially support children in Sichuan, China, and we are currently looking to contribute to more organizations and causes.
These incredible achievements have been made possible by our dedicated officers (listed below), all our parent liaisons/helpers, and our dance teacher, Xingjian Liu.
President: Emily Hou
Event Officers: Junna Chen, Amy Wang
Public Relations Officer: Ellie Feng, Kevin Li
Administration: Jasmine Zhang
Treasurer: Faith Zhang
Here, we wish to foster a mentality of compassion from a young age, that we do service not for superficial reasons, but because we realize that we have the capability to help those who are not as young and fortunate as us. When we see the smiles on the faces of the senior citizens, and when we know that the money we have raised has gone directly to help children in rural China receive an education, we know that’s why we serve; because of the happiness we bring to the community and the joy we get in return knowing that our actions have made a difference in someone else’s life.
We welcome new members! The STARS Youth Charity Club is a lot of fun and a great experience.
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